
  • User since:
  • Last programmed on:

Level 22 (831,840 XP)

Plain text level 15 (369,281 XP)

Tcl level 13 (303,430 XP)

Properties level 6 (74,131 XP)

Ini level 4 (32,295 XP)

Markdown level 3 (18,435 XP)

Python level 3 (16,602 XP)

AutoIt level 1 (6,384 XP)

Shell Script level 1 (3,380 XP)

Assembler level 0 (1,436 XP)

Visual Basic level 0 (1,406 XP)


TAJS_Dev_Box level 20 (691,859 XP)

Home_Dev_Box level 9 (139,981 XP)

Other languages

  • XML level 0 (1,171 XP)
  • HTML level 0 (948 XP)
  • C level 0 (842 XP)
  • Log level 0 (781 XP)
  • scminput level 0 (470 XP)
  • C++ level 0 (318 XP)
  • JSON level 0 (313 XP)
  • Batch level 0 (147 XP)
  • Git level 0 (60 XP)
  • CSS level 0 (4 XP)

Total XP by day of year

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan 3k 4k 8k 541 265 391 1k 4k 3k 4k 2k 4k 2k 876 742 3k 3k 4k 7k 2k 5k 5k 9k 6k 13k 14k 3k 5k 6k 2k 9k
Feb 4k 1k 6k 10k 486 3k 3k 5k 15k 5k 5k 8k 7k 6k 3k 5k 8k 1k 9k 5k 30k 6k 106 728 408 235 8k 2k 0
Mar 3k 6k 4k 1k 19 124 20 1k 88 0 26 2 0 18k 767 117 4k 5k 16k 2k 130k 4k 4k 6k 4k 2k 6k 4k 8k 1k 1k
Apr 334 4 5k 6k 6k 3k 2k 879 1k 3k 74 558 1 3k 6k 626 603 440 660 1k 666 506 3k 2k 455 0 0 0 3 0
May 0 12 24 192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 9k 0 0 0 0 23 0 9 0 88 19 912 554 59 0
Jun 0 0 0 0 230 0 0 0 1k 0 2k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0
Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 440 329 0 0 0 1 0 120 0 0 0 0
Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 1k 1k 848 0 50 1k 3k 3k 4k 445 3 23 1k 1k 1k 2k 1k
Sep 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oct 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 155 88 1k 111 0 0 1k 275 55 0 123
Nov 0 0 0 0 26 12 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 3k 170 930 2k 3k 2k 3k 3k 2k 5k 7k 539 2k 2k 71 4k
Dec 5k 2k 3k 7k 3k 2k 363 7k 5k 2k 2k 8k 7k 5k 129 1k 1k 2k 4k 5k 5k 8k 3k 1k 1k 7k 2k 3k 2k 7k 2k

Top flows


2 h 26 m

Most XP


Most XP/min


Day highlights

Average XP/day


Most XP


Most focused

11 h 26 m

Top flow languages



216 flows


Plain text

119 flows



58 flows



15 flows



11 flows



7 flows



6 flows


Shell Script

4 flows



2 flows



1 flow

Flow score means percentage of all XP for language acquired in flow state.

Most prolific hours of the day

({x:[ {h:"00",x:31427}, {h:"01",x:29322}, {h:"02",x:31057}, {h:"03",x:31073}, {h:"04",x:34421}, {h:"05",x:17777}, {h:"06",x:15336}, {h:"07",x:30137}, {h:"08",x:20177}, {h:"09",x:22884}, {h:"10",x:22076}, {h:"11",x:29675}, {h:"12",x:148942}, {h:"13",x:26430}, {h:"14",x:26136}, {h:"15",x:33221}, {h:"16",x:31536}, {h:"17",x:27111}, {h:"18",x:36511}, {h:"19",x:45503}, {h:"20",x:37310}, {h:"21",x:33375}, {h:"22",x:38138}, {h:"23",x:32265}, ] , f:[ {h:"00",m:1034}, {h:"01",m:1331}, {h:"02",m:1279}, {h:"03",m:1149}, {h:"04",m:1331}, {h:"05",m:883}, {h:"06",m:714}, {h:"07",m:732}, {h:"08",m:678}, {h:"09",m:667}, {h:"10",m:745}, {h:"11",m:672}, {h:"12",m:693}, {h:"13",m:703}, {h:"14",m:682}, {h:"15",m:825}, {h:"16",m:912}, {h:"17",m:964}, {h:"18",m:1252}, {h:"19",m:1023}, {h:"20",m:1029}, {h:"21",m:1093}, {h:"22",m:1115}, {h:"23",m:1189}, ] })
A flow state is defined as a streak of programming, lasting for at least 20 minutes, with pauses that last at most 5 minutes, and gaining at least 10 XP per minute.