
  • User since:
  • Last programmed on:

Level 28 (1,328,515 XP)

TypeScript level 20 (669,777 XP)

Vue level 14 (349,568 XP)

JSON level 6 (70,257 XP)

C++ level 6 (61,231 XP)

JavaScript level 4 (36,334 XP)

scminput level 4 (32,284 XP)

Plain text level 4 (29,260 XP)

PHP level 2 (13,998 XP)

Markdown level 2 (13,933 XP)

Python level 2 (10,389 XP)


Laptop level 28 (1,328,515 XP)

Other languages

  • CSS level 2 (9,053 XP)
  • SQL level 2 (6,594 XP)
  • HTML level 1 (5,447 XP)
  • Shell Script level 1 (3,117 XP)
  • http level 1 (3,061 XP)
  • Sass level 1 (2,927 XP)
  • YAML level 1 (2,863 XP)
  • dockercompose level 1 (2,122 XP)
  • Ignore level 1 (1,866 XP)
  • XML level 0 (965 XP)

Total XP by day of year

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan 3k 2k 7k 2k 4k 6k 5k 12k 9k 152 612 12 3k 2k 2k 3k 938 5k 1k 1k 0 900 0 273 861 4k 4k 17k 12k 7k 6k
Feb 4k 5k 9k 7k 12k 6k 4k 9k 9k 13k 11k 13k 9k 10k 2k 6k 3k 17k 20k 11k 6k 11k 18k 17k 8k 15k 22k 7k 2k
Mar 10k 5k 12k 13k 13k 19k 16k 2k 6k 15k 16k 3k 6k 8k 5k 4k 6k 11k 6k 2k 4k 13k 3k 3k 2k 11k 6k 1k 4k 5k 2k
Apr 9k 6k 3k 10k 4k 2k 9k 2k 7k 6k 7k 3k 2k 3k 2k 4k 904 1k 8k 5k 2k 7k 2k 897 6k 3k 71 28 3k 881
May 1k 8k 3k 0 15 280 9k 241 817 1k 3k 1k 2k 3k 433 0 1k 268 0 2k 125 0 357 1k 3k 0 0 12 0 1k 221
Jun 645 501 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 132 2k 1k 1k 472 436 1k 1k 4k 4k 2k 2k 0 1k 1k 2k 440 1k 54 0 720
Jul 1 375 0 7k 5 939 2 992 217 1k 1k 37 420 417 1k 1k 1k 218 13 0 0 2k 3k 2k 0 0 0 110 669 0 332
Aug 1k 1k 743 87 4k 739 691 1k 1k 899 504 3k 2k 2k 3k 0 346 0 1k 1k 124 355 409 0 1k 0 137 1k 1k 1k 63
Sep 561 1k 494 6k 2k 2k 1k 2k 4k 832 3k 6k 1k 0 916 2k 1k 283 1k 0 712 668 3k 359 614 5k 1k 3k 389 1k
Oct 2k 1k 1k 2k 802 1k 2k 930 2k 2k 2k 1k 0 6k 1k 1k 1k 198 3 0 92 2k 828 404 0 0 105 724 2k 1k 5k
Nov 2k 3k 3k 8k 2k 4k 12k 6k 806 2 10k 4k 2k 10k 963 2k 2 3k 3k 5k 5k 2k 2k 2k 9k 2k 4k 2k 5k 21
Dec 1k 8k 7k 2k 4k 4k 2k 6k 7k 2k 3k 5k 1k 333 1k 548 12k 3k 514 3k 820 4k 4k 3k 3k 6k 10k 13k 11k 1k 3k

Top flows


2 h 54 m

Most XP


Most XP/min


Day highlights

Average XP/day


Most XP


Most focused

7 h 32 m

Top flow languages



371 flows



202 flows



74 flows



35 flows



31 flows



19 flows


Plain text

17 flows



15 flows



9 flows



9 flows

Flow score means percentage of all XP for language acquired in flow state.

Most prolific hours of the day

({x:[ {h:"00",x:99651}, {h:"01",x:62281}, {h:"02",x:42724}, {h:"03",x:20884}, {h:"04",x:10306}, {h:"05",x:4187}, {h:"06",x:2499}, {h:"07",x:4745}, {h:"08",x:9699}, {h:"09",x:31654}, {h:"10",x:27307}, {h:"11",x:30234}, {h:"12",x:36675}, {h:"13",x:58487}, {h:"14",x:66592}, {h:"15",x:74125}, {h:"16",x:68229}, {h:"17",x:89871}, {h:"18",x:81880}, {h:"19",x:93265}, {h:"20",x:110931}, {h:"21",x:71900}, {h:"22",x:102640}, {h:"23",x:127749}, ] , f:[ {h:"00",m:1722}, {h:"01",m:1229}, {h:"02",m:867}, {h:"03",m:415}, {h:"04",m:232}, {h:"05",m:86}, {h:"06",m:85}, {h:"07",m:151}, {h:"08",m:186}, {h:"09",m:590}, {h:"10",m:500}, {h:"11",m:444}, {h:"12",m:712}, {h:"13",m:862}, {h:"14",m:1028}, {h:"15",m:1296}, {h:"16",m:1246}, {h:"17",m:1560}, {h:"18",m:1317}, {h:"19",m:1581}, {h:"20",m:1852}, {h:"21",m:983}, {h:"22",m:1459}, {h:"23",m:1996}, ] })
A flow state is defined as a streak of programming, lasting for at least 20 minutes, with pauses that last at most 5 minutes, and gaining at least 10 XP per minute.